Yoga-Informed Therapy

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, yuj, meaning to yoke or join together.


The mind, body, and spirit are inherently connected. A disconnect can occur from various life circumstances, causing distress and dis-ease. The tension, stress, and negative memories are often held physically in our bodies. Have you ever noticed when you are stressed you might have shoulder pain, a clenched jaw, or a headache?

Yoga-informed therapy sessions consist of talk therapy, mindfulness techniques, breath work, and yoga. Through this combination of techniques, you will gain the tools to regulate your nervous system, integrate your experiences in mind/body/spirit, and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. There is no previous experience expected or required; I meet you where you are at in your journey. If you have any physical limitations, we can modify or practice chair yoga

No two sessions will look the same and formal yoga poses are not required every session. Yoga is much more than the poses or asana.

Yoga-informed therapy is not meant to replace a yoga or fitness class. If focusing on your body is uncomfortable, we can work together to find ways to help you feel safe in this space. This is an opportunity to reclaim your body and power, integrate mind, body, and spirit, and understand yourself on a deeper level.

Yoga-informed therapy can be beneficial for difficulties including:

  • Depression and low mood

  • Anxiety and panic disorders

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Grief and loss

  • Insomnia

  • Fertility and pregnancy loss

  • Post-Partum Depression/Anxiety

  • Relationship transitions

  • Personal growth and wellness

If you have more questions, feel free to ask me!